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have one’s pocket picked
衣袋被偷  detail>>
i had my pocket picked on the train
我在火车上被扒了  detail>>
have but one
只有一个  detail>>
have it in one
能够  detail>>
have one
吃食堂 穿反了袜子 电烫头发 既想留着蛋糕,又想吃(既要鱼,又要熊掌) 剪头 帽子戴歪了 钱包被偷 手底下工作多 扎根于...  detail>>
 adj.  1.选净的,精选的,挑选出来的,最好的。 2.(果实等)摘下的,摘收的。 3.(用锄、镐等)挖掘过的。  短语和例子...  detail>>
in one s back pocket
在某人裤子后口袋里  detail>>
spend one’s pocket money
花零用钱  detail>>
you have one, i have one
你拍一,我拍一  detail>>
can not have it as one wishes
弗克如愿  detail>>
hago (have a good one)
致以良好祝愿(电子邮件的结束用语)  detail>>
have a chion one’s shoulder
叫板 叫阵  detail>>
have a family of one’s own
拥有自己的家庭  detail>>
have a letter in one of the sleeves
袖子里褪着一封信  detail>>
have a load on one
心里堵得难受  detail>>
have a one sided view
只知其一不知其二  detail>>
have a one-track mind
一根筋  detail>>
have a second string to one
不虞之备  detail>>